Pre Employment Drug Test Procedure: Everything to Know (2024)

A pre-employment drug test procedure is the testing policy required by many companies before they will hire a candidate.9 min read

Pre-Employment Drug Test Procedure

A pre-employment drug test procedure is the testing policy required by many companies before they will hire a candidate. Applicants for a job may have to submit to a drug and alcohol screening as part of the application process.

Understanding Pre-Employment Drug Testing

Employees can be subjected to tests for drugs and/or alcohol by their employer, as permitted by state law. It's important to remember that employment may be contingent on passing these drug screenings.

Each state has different laws on drug testing. In some cases, state or federal laws regulating the job may require applicants submit to drug testing. For example, jobs that are regulated by the United States Department of Transportation are covered by both state and federal drug testing laws.

Other states severely limit the options for employers who wish to perform drug tests on potential employees. These states put boundaries around how and when screenings can be performed.

Employers have numerous tests available to them, and may choose to only test for specific drugs, or a large variety. The testing methods may be:

  • blood
  • urine
  • hair
  • saliva
  • sweat
  • breath

Make sure you understand the different types of drug and alcohol screening available.

A Breathalyzer may be used to test an employee's blood alcohol level. This is generally applied if an employee or applicant is suspected of being drunk on the premises. A breath alcohol test can only test for current intoxication and has no indication of past use.

With a blood test, blood is drawn to determine the amount, if any, of drugs and alcohol in the system. Generally, blood tests for pre-employment drug screenings are used to find illegal substances. The most common drugs screened in a blood test are:

  • marijuana
  • amphetamines
  • cocaine
  • opiates
  • methamphetamines
  • alcohol
  • nicotine

A drug test performed on hair offers the longest period of viewing for past drug use. Pre-employment drug test procedures that use hair for testing can see a 90-day to six-month window. Hair tests cannot detect use of alcohol, but can be performed for:

  • methamphetamine
  • marijuana
  • cocaine
  • opiates
  • phencyclidine

Some companies use a saliva test. With this test, a sample of applicants' saliva is collected from inside their mouth. The saliva is then tested and can show drug use ranging from the last few hours up to a few days.

Urine tests are the most widespread and commonly used method, especially for pre-employment drug screenings. In addition, this method is used for random drug screenings after employment. With this test, drug use can be detected for varying amounts of time. Still, in general, substances can be detected for up to a month. The most common drugs tested in a urine test include:

  • alcohol
  • nicotine
  • amphetamines
  • marijuana
  • cocaine
  • opiates
  • methamphetamines

Employers are legally allowed to test for drugs and alcohol both in the workplace and as a condition of hire. Generally, applicants are only tested for illegal drugs as part of their condition of employment. You can request to view the company's drug testing policy, to see when and how they administer drug tests.

It's important to keep in mind that many types of jobs require drug testing because illegal or illicit use of drugs can affect not only an employee's performance but also the lives of others. Using drugs can alter employees' concentration and influence their judgment.

According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, employers pay about $81 billion per year because drug abuse.

Employers can reduce their risk when it comes to drug testing by working with a lab to get and verify results. Most labs offer either a five-panel or 10-panel screening.

The Five-Panel screen checks for:

  • Methamphetamine and Amphetamines
  • Cocaine
  • Opiates including codeine, heroin, and morphine
  • PCP or Phencyclidine
  • Marijuana (THC)

Employers who choose a 10-panel screening will have employees screened for:

  • Methamphetamine
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamine
  • PCP or Phencyclidine
  • Opiates including morphine, codeine, and heroin
  • Marijuana (THC)
  • Methadone
  • Propoxyphene
  • Barbiturates
  • Benzodiazepines

Additional testing can be done to detect drugs such as:

  • Quaaludes
  • Hallucinogens such as peyote, LSD, mescaline, and mushrooms
  • Inhalants such as glue, hairspray, and paint
  • MDMA, otherwise known as Ecstasy
  • Anabolic steroids

Different drugs have different windows of detection. This detection window is the amount of time that the drug can be found in the employee's system.

Estimated detection windows are:

  • 1.5 hours for 1 oz. of alcohol
  • 48 hours for amphetamines
  • 2-10 days for barbiturates
  • 2-3 weeks for Benzodiazepines
  • 2-10 days for cocaine
  • Less than 1 day for heroin metabolite
  • 2-3 days for morphine
  • 8 hours for LSD
  • Up to several weeks for marijuana
  • 2-3 days for methamphetamine
  • 2-3 days for methadone
  • 1 week for PCP or Phencyclidine

Aside from a breath alcohol test, drug testing does not determine impairment or current drug use.

Everyone should keep in mind that these drug screenings are not perfect. In some cases, marijuana use when the THC is removed, may not be detected. Even more concerning for most, however, is that prescription medications may be detected and give a false positive for illegal drug use.

That's why employees taking prescription medications should reveal their use before testing so that it can be noted and verified. Some of the standard prescription medications that may be picked up by a drug screening include:

  • Penicillin
  • Adderall
  • Novocain
  • Oxycodone
  • Hydrocodone
  • Certain weight loss medications
  • Valium
  • Xanax
  • Ativan
  • Rohypnol

Pre-employment drug tests can improve company turnover, in-office theft, decrease absenteeism, and improve overall morale.

Urine and blood collection for testing purposes are considered minimally intrusive, according to the U.S. Supreme Court. They are not considered harmful to applicants when the specimens are collected in the correct environment and without direct observation.

Applicants and employees have a number of rights depending on the state regulations where they work and live, as well as the specific circ*mstances of the pre-employment drug test procedures. For example, if an employer only tests some applicants and not others, discrimination can be implied. On the other hand, drug testing can be required only for specific jobs or positions.

Employers who do pre-employment or random drug testing must have and abide by a written drug testing policy. It is illegal for an employer to try to test applicants without their knowledge, or in an otherwise underhanded way.

Still, most companies that do drug screenings state in their policy that they treat a refusal to take a drug test as they would a positive result. In the majority of cases, this means the applicant would be denied the position.

Drug Testing in the Workplace

When employers are concerned about whether an employee or applicant is using illegal or banned drugs, they can have the employee or applicant take a drug screening test. However, it's important to remember that this screening does not test for current impairment, only previous use. One of the biggest reasons that many companies across the country participate in drug testing is because this allows the company to benefit from Worker's Compensation Premium Discount programs.

When federal agencies conduct drug tests, they are required to follow standardized procedures. These procedures are laid out in the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Private employers do not have to follow the same guidelines as federal agencies. However, employers that follow these guidelines are on solid legal footing. The guidelines require a medical review officer to review and evaluate all drug tests. In addition, the SAMHSA guidelines require a sample be sent to a certified laboratory once it is collected.

Generally, the collection site uses a variety of precautions to ensure that candidates cannot substitute specimens or make alterations to the test. Some of these precautions include turning off the water supply and having blue dye in the toilet.

SAMHSA Guidelines

Samples and forms for drug screenings are subject to a chain-of-custody document. This shows the storage and handling of samples from when they are collected until disposal. The chain-of-custody document offers written proof of everything that happens to the sample.

There is an initial screening, which is the first analysis done on any sample. The initial screening isn't always accurate and may offer false positives. If the screening is positive, a confirmation test should be performed.

The confirmation test is more accurate and offers specific information on the sample. This helps rule out mistakes made in the initial screening. The first screening and confirmation must match for the test to be labeled positive.

In some cases, a single sample is split. This allows for one sample to be used during the initial screening, while the second sample is used for the confirmation. Individuals being tested have the right to request that the confirmation takes place at a separate laboratory.

If both the initial screen and the confirmation show as positive, a MRO will review the test results and the chain-of-custody. The MRO will also contact the individual in question to ensure there aren't other reasons, such as medication, that caused the positive result.

Drug screening results are considered personal health information. So, those screening the sample must take great care to restrict the information shared. As a result, employees and applicants may be required to sign a release allowing their employer or potential employer to get the results. More information on the release of health information can be found by contacting U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which administers the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Pre-employment drug screening cannot include testing for alcohol use, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.

Generally an employer pays for requested drug tests according to SAMHSA. In addition, the time required to take a drug screening test is considered work hours and should, therefore, be included in a paycheck.

The Wage and Hour division of the Department of Labor oversees these regulations. Employers and employees can get more information by contacting this division directly.

Other Drug Screenings for Continued Employment

In addition to pre-employment drug screening, employers can require screenings for current employees. One of the most common reasons for this is probable cause or reasonable suspicion testing. When supervisors document behavior, which signals possible drug or alcohol use that violates company policy, this test can be conducted.

Employers should have consistent, clear definitions of the types of behavior that lead to this testing. In addition, any suspicion a supervisor has should be corroborated by another manager or supervisor. All managers should be carefully trained on warning signs because the decision to go ahead with probable cause testing is incredibly subjective.

In general, when employees take a probable cause drug test, they usually do not return to work until the results have come back.

In addition to reasonable suspicion tests, drug testing after an accident on the job is a common option. Personal and property damage can result from accidents on the job, and it's in the employer's best interest to ensure that drugs or alcohol were not a factor. Employers have to weigh carefully the types of accidents for which they will screen for drugs. After all, not all accidents require drug testing.

Keep in mind that while a post-accident drug test can show whether an employee has used drugs, the test cannot prove whether this was a factor in the accident. In fact, most drugs gleaned from the test do not indicate whether the employee was intoxicated in that moment because they only show past use.

Many companies perform unpredictable, unannounced, random drug testing on employees. Testing pools should be determined ahead of time. Employers can use information such as the employee number, Social Security number, or even department to select employees for random drug testing. The best way to ensure that the selection is truly random is by using a computer randomization program.

Some employers engage in periodic testing. This testing is pre-scheduled and administered to everyone in a company or department. This may take place on an annual, quarterly, or even monthly basis. In general, periodic testing is more acceptable to employees, because they know it's coming.

Additional tests may be announced and used by the employer. If employees previously tested positive for drugs and completed treatment, they may be required to take a return-to-duty test. Blanket testing is similar to random testing, but everyone is tested, rather than just a select few.

State Restrictions

Many states across the country have restrictions to limit an employer from randomly drug testing employees when they do not hold a safety-sensitive job. Employers should take the time to become familiar with the state laws to which they are subject.

Comprehensive Drug-Free Workplace

Remember that drug testing procedures are only a small part of a comprehensive drug-free workplace program. Employees should have written policies that outline expectations in clear, concise language. Training should be implemented for both managers and employees. It should include discussion of the reasons for the drug-free workplace, as well as ways to spot potential problems. Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) can help provide referrals and counseling to employees who suffer from a drug problem.

Employers that need help putting together a drug-free workplace policy can get help from the Department of Labor's online Drug-Free Workplace Advisor.

Employers should also consult with a well-versed lawyer to ensure that they are complying with all local, state, and federal laws relevant to their drug-free policy or drug testing programs.

When implementing a comprehensive drug-free workplace program, employers are creating a healthier, safer, and more productive environment for employees. Take the time to educate employees about the dangers of being intoxicated on the job and overall drug and alcohol abuse. Encourage employees who struggle with drug or alcohol abuse to seek help. With these steps, you'll help ensure the community and company are safe spaces.

Talk to a Lawyer

If you need help understanding pre-employment drug testing procedures, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies such as Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.

Pre Employment Drug Test Procedure: Everything to Know (2024)


What do employers look for in a urine drug test? ›

Typical drugs screened in a pre-employment urine drug test include marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines/methamphetamines, PCP, and opioids, with the option for employers to test for many additional substances.

What is the most common pre-employment urine drug test? ›

What is the most common pre-employment drug test? The most common pre-employment drug test is a 5 panel urine test.

How far back does a urine test go? ›

Drugs in hair may be detectable for approximately 90 days, whereas drugs in urine are generally detectable for one to seven days or longer in chronic users and in oral fluid from five to 48 hours.

How do I know if I passed my drug test? ›

How do you know if you passed a pre-employment drug test? If the drug test results are returned as negative that means no evidence of the substance was detected in the specimen. If the test shows a positive result, that generally means evidence of the substance was detected.

How far back does a 10 panel urine test go? ›

Detection times for a 10-panel drug screen
SubstanceDetection time frame
Cocaine2-4 days
Marijuana2-5 days for occasional users, and up to 10 days for daily users
Opiates2-3 days
Phencyclidine (PCP)Up to 30 days for chronic users
6 more rows
Dec 2, 2022

How long does it take to find out if you failed a drug test? ›

Drug test results typically take 24 to 48 hours, depending on the type of test being performed (e.g., urine, hair or DOT).

Is it bad to fail a pre employment drug test? ›

In most cases, failing a pre-employment drug test will mean that you will not be eligible for the position. Before a company can conduct pre-employment drug tests, they must first clearly state that an offer of a position to the candidate is contingent on passing a pre-employment drug test.

What panel drug test do most employers use? ›

While 10-panel drug tests are most commonly used by employers, you may want to order a test for personal reasons. A 10-panel screen may be used for: Medical screening: Your doctor may order a 10-panel drug test as part of your care.

What happens if you can t pee for a pre employment drug test? ›

If you are unable to provide a sufficient amount of urine for a drug test, the collector must begin the "shy bladder" procedures. This procedure requires that you remain at the collection site.

What is the most reliable drug test? ›

Blood testing is expensive and invasive, but is the most reliable for determining if the individual is under the influence of drugs or alcohol right now.

How long does Delta 8 stay in your system? ›

Because their structures are similar, delta-8 is expected to stay in the body for the same amount of time as delta-9 THC. For occasional users, this could be as little as 2 to 5 days. For regular users, it could be up to 15 days.

What is the most common false positive drug test? ›

Amphetamine (more on this below) and methamphetamine are the most commonly reported false positive.

How long does labcorp take for pre employment results? ›

Results for most routine tests are available within 2 weeks.

Why does it take so long for my drug test to come back? ›

Positive Initial Results Take Time to Confirm

The sample's transit alone can take 24-72 hours. And while the MRO receives the initial results fast digitally, it could take them up to 96 hours to confirm test results if the donor is difficult to reach.

What are the chances of failing a drug test? ›

How Often Do People Fail Drug Tests? In 2019, the percentage of US drug test failures reached 4.5%—the highest rate in 16 years.

What is considered a failed drug test? ›

You fail a drug or alcohol test by testing positive to a drug test, or registering a 0.04 or greater alcohol content.

How far back does a rapid drug test go? ›

A: Urine drug testing typically detects recent drug use in the previous 24 to 72 hours.

What happens if pre employment drug test is diluted? ›

(a) As the employer, if the MRO informs you that a positive drug test was dilute, you simply treat the test as a verified positive test. You must not direct the employee to take another test based on the fact that the specimen was dilute.

How accurate are pre employment drug tests? ›

Illicit substances are detectable for only five to 10 days in urine; whereas, hair drug tests can detect drug or alcohol use for up to 90 days. Blood testing is very accurate, but costly and invasive. It does have a shorter detection period (minutes to hours), however.

How do you fight a failed DOT drug test? ›

Be evaluated by a DOT-certified substance abuse professional (SAP). Complete the recommended course of treatment or education, at your own cost. Pass a follow-up drug and alcohol test, and submit to random testing for at least the next 12 months, up to 60 months.

Does CBD show up on a 10 panel drug screen? ›

Workplace drug tests do not screen for CBD, only THC. Due to the unregulated nature of the industry, trace elements of THC can be found in some CBD products. Hemp-based CBD isolate products are the least likely to contain THC.

How sensitive are lab drug tests? ›

These screening tests tend to be fairly specific and highly sensitive for the drugs being analyzed. If a non-negative sample is detected, labs utilize technologies like gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) to confirm the presence or absence of specific drugs, thereby preventing false positives.

What drugs show up in urine drug test? ›

These tests indicate if one or more prescription or illegal drugs are present in urine. These tests detect the presence of drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, opiates, methamphetamine, amphetamines, PCP, benzodiazepine, barbiturates, methadone, tricyclic antidepressants, ecstasy, and oxycodone.

How long after drinking water do you pee for a drug test? ›

The general strategy for passing urine tests is to increase your fluid intake and urine flow so as to dilute the concentration of drugs in the sample below the threshold of detection. An hour or two before the test, you should fill your bladder with fluids – as much as you can drink.

Do they go in the bathroom with you for a pre employment drug test? ›

No, they don't go in the bathroom with you so you can use fake urine. Just make sure your temperature is right.

Should I hold my pee before a drug test? ›

You should not “hold” your urine for a long time before giving a sample. This is not good for your bladder and will not have a significant effect on urine dilution.

What causes false negative drug test? ›

False-negatives can occur when the urine drug concentration is below the threshold level set by the laboratory performing the test. Dilute urine, the duration of time between ingestion of the drug and time of testing, and the quantity of the drug ingested may affect the occurrence of false-negatives.

What type of drug test is most commonly used? ›

Urine drug testing (UDT): This is the most common drug test. It requires a sample of your urine (pee). Urine drug tests are most commonly used to detect alcohol, amphetamines, benzodiazepines, opiates/opioids, cocaine and marijuana (THC).

Does Delta 8 show up on drug tests? ›

Delta-8 will show up on a drug test because delta-9 might be found in delta-8 products. While there's a legal loophole around delta-8 usage, it won't help you pass a drug test. So if you are about to get tested, make sure to lay off the delta-8 for up to 90 days.

How long will delta-8 cause a positive drug test? ›

Generally, Delta 8 can remain detectable in the urine or blood for as short as two days or as long as 30 days. Numerous factors can shorten or prolong the time it takes for your body to clear Delta 8 THC from your system completely.

Will delta-9 show up in a urine test? ›

The length of time delta-9 remains in your urine will depend on how often you consume cannabis products. Occasional users may only have delta-9 detectable using a urine test for up to three days after consumption, while heavy or frequent users could have detectable levels of delta-9 in their system for 30 days or more.

Will Delta-10 test positive? ›

Short answer: yes, they will. Delta-8 and Delta-10 are derived from hemp and they do contain THC, which will be flagged in most urine drug tests.

What can accidentally cause a positive drug test? ›

What Can Cause a False Positive Drug Test
  • Secondhand Marijuana Smoke. 1/11. If you hang out often with someone who puffs on pot, your urine could have traces of THC. ...
  • Weight Loss Pills. 2/11. ...
  • Poppy Seeds. 3/11. ...
  • Mouthwash. 4/11. ...
  • Antidepressants. 5/11. ...
  • Antibiotics. 6/11. ...
  • CBD Oil. 7/11. ...
  • Antihistamines. 8/11.
Sep 5, 2021

Can drug tests come back false? ›

Unfortunately, drug test results are not 100% accurate, and false positives may occur. “False positives” are when drug tests flag a medication or substance you do not actually take. Sometimes, these are caused by lab errors, but certain medications have also been known to trigger fictitious positive results.

Can Benadryl cause a false positive? ›

2. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine that can help treat allergies, itching, and cold symptoms. Diphenhydramine may cause a false positive result for some opioids and opiates.

What drug test does labcorp use for pre employment? ›

Labcorp performs initial drug screening using immunoassay. An immunoassay is a test that uses antibodies to detect the presence of drugs and other substances in urine.

Do you get drug test results right away labcorp? ›

We perform rapid tests in many of our patient service centers nationwide, or customers may choose to perform tests in their own facilities. Rapid tests performed at Labcorp patient service centers (PSCs) that screen negative typically have results available to the ordering client within four hours.

What is the pre employment drug test code for labcorp? ›

791194: Drug Analysis Profile, Comprehensive, Urine | Labcorp. For hours, walk-ins and appointments.

Can a drug test take 2 weeks to come back? ›

Negative results, therefore, are generally available within 2-3 days, while positive test results may take up to a week to confirm. Though it may take slightly longer than urine tests, hair tests have the advantage of being able to detect drug use from many months before the specimen was collected.

How to delay pre employment drug test? ›

Good excuses to postpone a drug test
  1. You are sick. ...
  2. You got into an accident. ...
  3. Your babysitter bailed. ...
  4. You have to babysit. ...
  5. You are going out of town. ...
  6. You are having an allergic reaction. ...
  7. There must have been an error with the test. ...
  8. You are on a medication that skewed the results.
Feb 27, 2023

Does an MRO call if you fail a drug test? ›

If the initial drug test is positive, the MRO will contact the donor to see if they are on any medications or have any other legitimate medical explanation for the positive result (usually within 24 hours). If the donor does not answer, the MRO may leave up to three voicemails. The donor is given 72 hours to respond.

What kind of drug test do most employers use? ›

Urine tests are the most common type of pre-employment drug test used by employers in the U.S. However, they also have a shorter detection window than the other types of drug tests. Urine tests detect substances from 5 to 10 days.

What shows up in a urine test? ›

Urine drug testing may screen for multiple substances, including amphetamines, methamphetamines, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, marijuana, cocaine, opiates, PCP, methadone, nicotine, and alcohol.

What happens if you don't have enough urine for a drug test? ›

If you fail to provide a sufficient amount of urine when directed, and it has been determined, through a required medical evaluation, that there was no adequate medical explanation for the failure, it may be considered a refusal to test. When you report for testing, you must make an attempt to provide a specimen.

What is a 10 panel drug test? ›

What Is A 10-Panel Drug Test? A 10-panel drug test screens for ten different types of illegal substances and commonly abused prescription drugs, like Adderall and Xanax. An expanded 10-panel screening identifies the same substances plus additional opiate types, such as Oxycodone.

How long does delta-8 stay in your system? ›

Because their structures are similar, delta-8 is expected to stay in the body for the same amount of time as delta-9 THC. For occasional users, this could be as little as 2 to 5 days. For regular users, it could be up to 15 days.

What drug test shows the most? ›

While the most commonly used test is the 8-panel drug test, there are several compelling reasons to choose an expanded panel such as the 13-panel. As with most drug tests, workplaces include the 13-panel test in pre-employment, random, post-incident, and other drug testing programs.

What Cannot be detected in a urine test? ›

Note: Alcohol, LSD, digoxin, lithium, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and some benzodiazepines, opiates, amphetamine-type stimulants, and most drugs of abuse are not detected by this procedure. For these drugs, the specific confirmation tests should be ordered.

What are 4 types of tests done on urine? ›

Red blood cell urine test. Glucose urine test. Protein urine test. Urine pH level test.

When should I stop drinking water before urine drug test? ›

The only thing that affects a dilute sample is the amount of fluid taken in within a short period of time prior to providing the urine sample. If you are seeing results that show you are getting close to a dilute sample, try to stop drinking any fluids 2-4 hours prior to providing the sample.

Can you drink too much water for a urine drug test? ›

Drinking a lot of water before a test might result in a positive dilute but will not produce a negative result. It might make it more challenging to test for substances like THC, but it also warns labs and employers that something is wrong. It will just trigger more tests.

What is the least amount of urine needed for drug test? ›

Urine drug testing generally requires a minimum of 30 mL of urine (depending on the kit type) collected in a private restroom. In the authors' experience, the sample collection most often is unobserved in clinical practice. Most laboratories keep urine samples for a limited time, often 7 days.


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